Ethiopia, Women's empowerment stories

Together, we've empowered millions of people with access to safe water and sanitation. We invite you to meet some of them and read their stories.

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The power of water for Tamenech's family

The power of water ended Tamenech and Joseph’s water crisis. Not only did Tamenech want to prevent her children from walking to rivers or ponds to find water like she did as a child, but her role as a nurse gave her the insight to know how unhealthy that water is. Read Tamenech's story.

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Water means Lomitu saves time and earns more

The people with the least access to safe water are spending the most time and money to get it. People like Lomitu. See how access to safe water at home saved Lomitu time, empowering her to earn more income.

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Safe water and pregnancy

Grace’s baby was due to arrive any day. Grace lives in a small rural village several hours south of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Thirty-three million people lack access to safe water in her country. Read about how a small, affordable loan empowered Grace and her husband to give their young family safe water and a bright future.

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Woinshet in Ethiopia

The need for water and toilets was high in Woinshet's village until locals were able to fund the construction of latrines or taps in their homes.

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Together, we can empower more families with safe water.
